Monday, April 3, 2017

TC Midnight Mumbles: The First Three Things I Think When April is Mentioned

April, the fourth month of the year. The ending of the first quarter and the starting of the second quarter. Haha...WTF am I talking about?

Here are the first three things come to my mind when April is mentioned:

1. April's Fools Day

April Fool's Day is celebrated every April 1st. It's a day dedicated for doing pranks, spreading hoaxes, playing jokes, and so on. get the idea.

I'm not a fan of this particular day. It's sad, really, to treat a day as an excuse to do bad things to others recklessly. Cuz, some of them (most of them) jokes are not even funny and just simply mean.

2. My Projects

It goes like,

"What??! April already??! I haven't finished creating this, and that one as well, and the other one behind that that one!!"

I have several projects that are currently on halt (pfft..excuse!). Because I got too carried away by everything else. Seems, now is the right time to dig everything up bit by bit.

3. My Study Plans

Since a few years back, I've been wanting to apply for a study. And when I finally received it, timing was being a b*tch, so I need to let that chance go. Now after a year settled, I want to try again for sure this time.


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